Best. Party. EVER. Seriously, it was.
Saturday the 17th marked my and Allan's first Ugly Christmas Sweater Party. And to think, we even hosted it too. Rules were that everyone had to come in their holiday sweater ugliness and join in the merriment. Now, where to start describing the fun?
Oh look, it's me! This was taken right before everyone started to arrive. Allan said that I looked " too cute" for an UCSP (Ugly Christmas Sweater Party) and forced me to wear bright blue eye shadow. However, it didn't help at all as everyone said I looked too cute and my sweater vest was something I should wear daily. Hmpfff...
Carmen and Nathan |
Ariella, Ryan and Ted |
Ted and Jamie |
Mark (arm), Lori, Eva and Steve |
And of course the boys - Jamie, Allan (my fiance), Matt, Ryan and Ted |
Ryan, again. (Keep a close eye on this guy) |
Angie. (Yes, we do have a real fireplace but nothing says Christmas like the Log) |
Allan, looking awesome, with his crazy straw glasses and light up Christmas tree headband. |
Guests are starting to arrive and everyone is looking awesome. Some are definitely better than others (**keep an eye on Ryan as he will definitely start to look even funnier later on**).
Me and the Fuzzy Nectar jello shots. |
Vodka Cranberry and Fuzzy Nectar. Yummy jello goodness. |
Everyone's arrived and the drinks are definitely flying. So, what better way to have some fun then with jello shots??? Yes, I made both red and green shots (red being Vodka Cranberry and the green were Fuzzy Nectars.) After many many jello shots, we were all quite inebriated...
Balloons in pantyhose are supposed to resemble reindeer antlers but this is just wrong, |
Oh look! Ted, Ryan, Carmen and Nathan got it right! |
What else do you do when everyone is inebriated? Oh, I know, you play super fun games!! This game was especially fun with pantyhose and balloons but there was also Christmas song trivia for prizes...
Poor Ryan!!! He was so hot in his overly tight awful sweater that Allan and him decided to cut off the arms of his sweater. Being that Allan was drinking as much as he was, we were all surprised that this show went off without a hitch. (aka Blood...)
After the games and the sweater cutting came the crowning of the UCSP. We all decided that everyone would have 2 votes and the winner would get the best prize of everything....a TROPHEY. Any guesses as to who the winner was?
Yep, you guessed it Ryan! Isn't his sweater even uglier with the sleeves cut off? |
Flip cup (an amazing drinking game) marked the end of an amazing UCSP. Hopefully we'll have many more in the years to come.
Best. Drinking. Game. Ever. |
Whew, that was one crazy party. There was about 4 people that spent the night and we all went for an amazingly tasty breakfast the next morning. Nothing cures a hangover like some turkey bacon, fruit and hashbrowns....yummy. How was your weekend? Hope everyone had a fabulous one.
your party looks like a blast :) I need an ugly Christmas sweater something fierce :)
ReplyDeleteYES!!! Ugly sweaters are the best! Yes, the party was a really fun time. Thanks for the comment lady
It was such a great party!! I will be on the hunt all year for next year's sweater! xo
ReplyDeleteThey have a point, your outfit looks ridiculously cute!
ReplyDeleteAww!! It looks like so much fun!! I love the light-up reindeer!