Mar 27, 2015

DIY Beauty Fridays: Homemade Bath Salts

Sigh, I miss hot baths more than I can explain.

I know I can still have baths but they have to be lukewarm, warm at best, and I do miss the scalding hot water, sweating away, while the bathroom steams up and I can barely see in front of me.

One thing that hasn't changed, despite the water temperature, is my fascination with bath salts.  I am usually the first to seek out these relaxing bath additions that come in a multitude of scents and textures.  What's even better than being able to buy them is to make your own!!

Homemade Lavender (or any scent) Bath Salts 

3/4 cup Sea Salt
1/4 cup, plus 2 TBSP, Epsom Salts
2 TBSP Baking Soda
A couple drops of your favorite essential oil (Lavender, Rose, etc)
Food coloring if you want to store it and look pretty

Place all the dry ingredients in a bowl and mix together.  Add the essential oil and food coloring (if you'd like) and stir until evenly distributed.  Place contents in a mason jar to store in the bathroom.  Pour into your bathwater and soak to your heart's content!!

Okay, it's Friday and I am so going to go and have a bath now.  Happy Friday ladies!


1 comment:

  1. Weird, it didn't save my last comment...
    How can you not love anything lavender and in the bath? I'm totally sold on this one! xo


Thanks for the love!...XO Christina

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