I remember when the oxblood trend emerged back in 2012. The world went mad for dark red and everything from lipsticks to purses to pants were being worn in this brilliant shade.
Then, three years passed and the new trend is Vampy Oxblood. The difference, you ask? Vampy Oxblood is still blood red BUT the hue is just that much darker. Instead of dark, berry hues we now see red/purple blacks emerge. Best thing about this great new trend is that every skin tone can wear it. Whether you are fair (like I am) or gorgeously dark, there's a shade of this Vampy Oxblood that's perfect for you.
Because I am so in love with this color, Red Lip Gloss will be featuring a week of posts dedicated to this new trend. Stay tuned because I am positive I can release your inner vampire.
ohhhh... I can't wait, this is going to be great!! xo