Photo courtesy of Spa Around the World |
I knew when I got pregnant that I would most likely be sick, nauseous and very tired. And I have been all of these, though less so now as I move into my second trimester.
Instead, i'm now dealing with sore feet. All the time!
Today for example. I am sitting at my desk working away, wearing my favorite brown boots and stretching my feet underneath my desk. I don't know if I stretched my foot the wrong or am just falling apart BUT my right foot cracked in the most hideous way and I am now completely swollen.
Now, you are probably saying that this has nothing to do with being pregnant however, this weird muscle cramp snap thing has never occurred before so yes, I am blaming little bean for this...ha.
On that note, I see a much needed luxurious foot soak in my future....
Lavender Foot Soak
You will need:
4-5 liters of water
A few drops of lavender essential oil
1/4 cup epsom salt
Boil the water and, once boiled, let it cool down to a comfortable temperature for your tootsies. Add the lavender and salt, stirring gently. Put your feet in the mixture and enjoy!
Nothing makes me feel better than a foot soak. Especially after a long, hard week at both work and the gym. Enjoy, ladies, and Happy Friday!